
Published: 22 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n88z47fvc8.1
, Leigh MacPherson, Jan Merkens


1. 'Seascape_esl_v010720.xls': Generalised Pareto Distribution segment parameters with confidence interval estimates 2. 'Seascape_DIVAdb_v010720.xls': area01-20: segment area for 1 metre elevation bins 0-1 m,1-2 m etc., lati: latitude, length: segment length (km), longi: longitude, pop01:20: population number at elevations, uplift: vertical land movement rate, dikeheight_xxx: dike height (m), tide_gauge: closest tide gauge, floplidXXm: floodplain ID, duneheights_XX: dune heights (m), primary_defence: max(dikeheight, duneheight) 3. 'Floodplains_v010720.xls': rID: floodplain ID, rFLOPLID: corresponding 4-metre FLOPLID, rFSID: state identified, poprXX: aggregated segment population of elevation bin, assetrXX: monetary floodplain assets at elevation, hmin: minimum flood defence height, havr: average flood defence height, hmax: maximum flood defence heigth, lenghtr: floodplain length (km), H200k_X: 200-year return level estimates, upliftr: floodplain uplift rate 4. 'Strategies_v010720.mat': delta: discount rate, hAftAll: optimal floodplain strategies, 249 rID x 45 scenarios x 177 years 5. 'PVI_PVD_v010720': PVIall, present value of investment & maintenance costs of 249 optimal floodplain strategies x 45 scenarios, PVDall, present value of expected flood damages of 249x45 optimal scenario strategies under 45 scenarios (249x45x45), scencombi: scenario combination of socioeconomic uncertainty, extreme sea-level uncertainty, SLR uncertainty



Environmental Economics, Decision Analysis, Floodplain, Coastal Defense
