Wide-field thermal process monitoring data set

Published: 21 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n8fj8x69vt.1
Matthew McMillan


experimentalGeom.stl - The geometry that was manufactured and monitored. index2temp.csv - Temperatures for each index value (starting at 1) in the maxLayerData.mat file to temperatures. This is also the conversion for the full data set (too large to upload). pixel2mm.txt - Tab separated file containing the location of each pixel in mm to align with the experimental geometry. maxLayerData.mat - Matlab mat file containing a cell array. Each cell contains an array of the maximum temperatures, as indices, for each pixel, recorded for a given layer. CoolDurData.xlsx - Cooling duration's throughout the experimental geometry. zHeight.csv - A column of z heights for each layer in mm.



RMIT University


Heat Transfer, Design for Additive Manufacture, Process Monitoring
