Self-lubrication of Nuclear Graphite in Argon at High-Temperature - Raw microscopies and Raman, XRD data
Raw micrographs (optical, digital, SEM), raw and peak-fitted Raman spectroscopy data, and raw and peak-fitted X-ray diffraction data of ET-10 graphite samples generated in Ar tribology tests at room temperature and 600°C. Data are described in research article "Self-lubrication of Nuclear Graphite in Argon at High-Temperature" ( and in companion data article "Microstructural Characterization Data for Nuclear Graphite Samples Generated During Tribology Testing in Argon" (submitted to Data in Brief).
Steps to reproduce
Digital micrographs are collected using a Keyence digital microscope VHX-6000 with brightfield coaxial illumination. The microscope has an automated stage and a 3D-Depth Composition module that allow for 3D image acquisition and profilometry. Optical micrographs are collected using a Nikon Eclipse LV150NL microscope. SEM images are collected with a Scios 2 dual beam SEM/FIB. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is performed using a Rigaku MiniFlex 6G diffractometer (150 mm goniometer radius), using Co radiation (Kα=0.179 nm). A divergence slit width of 1.25° is used. Diffraction data are collected in the 2θ range of 10° to 90° with a scanning speed of 2°/min and a step size of 0.01°. Silicon powder (NIST SRM 640e) is used as standard reference material for peak locations and full width at half-maximum. The XRD patterns are background subtracted using a b-spline baseline, normalized, and fitted with Voigt functions using Rigaku Smartlab Studio II. Raman spectra are collected using a Horiba LabRam HR confocal Raman microscope with a 532 nm laser source and optical magnification of 50x. Upon acquisition, the spectra are background-subtracted using an 8-degree polynomial baseline and normalized. For the extraction of microstructure parameters, the spectra are fitted using Lorentzian functions on OriginPro 2021b.