Phishing Websites Dataset

Published: 16 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n96ncsr5g4.1


The dataset consists of a collection of legitimate as well as phishing website instances. Each instance contains the URL and the relevant HTML page. The index.sql file is the root file, and it can be used to map the URLs with the relevant HTML pages. The dataset can serve as an input for the machine learning process. Highlights: - Total number of instances: 80,000 (83,275 instances in the dataset due to the existence of some removed SQL records in preprocessing stage) - Number of legitimate website instances (labelled as 0 in the SQL file): 50,000 - Number of phishing website instances (labelled as 1 in the SQL file): 30,000 Structure: The index.sql file is the root file. It consisted of five fields. 1). rec_id - record number 2). url - URL of the webpage 3). website - Filename of the webpage (i.e. 1635698138155948.html) 4). result - Indicates whether a given URL is phishing or not (0 for legitimate and 1 for phishing). 5). created_date - Webpage downloaded date Sources: - Legitimate Data [50,000] - These data were collected from two sources. 1). Google search - Simple keyword search on the google search engine was used, and the top 5 URLs of each search were collected. Domain restrictions were used and limited a maximum of 10 collections from a domain to have a diverse collection at the end. 2). Ebbu2017 Phishing Dataset [1] - Nearly 25,874 active URLs were collected from this repository - Phishing Data [30,000] - Three sources were used. 1). PhishTank - From 01 December 2020 to 31 October 2021 2). OpenPhish - From 29 September 2021 to 31 October 2021 3). PhishRepo [2] - From 29 September 2021 to 31 October 2021 Data Collection Process: - Legitimate Data: - The URLs were collected from the above sources and fetched the relevant webpages separately. - The URLs are in different lengths to minimize the URL lengths issue mentioned by Verma et al. [3]. - Phishing Data: - The URLs were collected from the above sources, and at the same time, the relevant web pages were fetched. - An automated script continuously monitored PhishTank and OpenPhish to collect the latest phishing URLs. - The collected URLs were fetched simultaneously to minimize the resource unavailable issue since the phishing pages do not exist for a longer period on the web. - PhishRepo provides all the resources relevant to a phishing webpage; therefore, simply use their download function to download PhishRepo data. References: [1]. Ebbu2017 Phishing Dataset. Accessed 31 October 2021. Available: [2]. PhishRepo. Accessed 31 October 2021. Available: [3]. Verma, Rakesh M., Victor Zeng, and Houtan Faridi. "Data quality for security challenges: Case studies of phishing, malware and intrusion detection datasets.", 2019.


Steps to reproduce

Legitimate Data - Download URLs from an available source and fetch those separately to get the relevant web page - Run a keyword search in Google search engine to collect top-ranked URLs and fetch those to get the relevant web page Phishing Data - PhishTank and OpenPhish - Use PhishTank API to get verified phishing URLs and select the latest, and fetch those to get the relevant webpages - Access the OpenPhish website to get the latest phishing URLs and fetch those separately to get relevant webpage - When phishing pages are fetching, make sure to get those quickly as possible to avoid the resource unavailable issue occurring due to the short life of the phishing page - PhishRepo - Create an account and download available data - PhishRepo supports downloading different types of information sources relevant to a phishing webpage


University of Moratuwa, Uva Wellassa University


Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computer Security and Privacy, Machine Learning, Applied Computer Science
