Poem Emotion Recognition Corpus (PERC)
Even though there is available of the lexicon in emotion analysis, to identify emotion from poems had to rely on limited emotion lexicons. Since those lexicons are not created for poems, and it is not concentrated on poetic features. This paper presents a text corpus PERC(Poem Emotion Recognition Corpus) comprising a set of poems and features for emotion recognition from poems. Emotion classication is based on 'Navarasa,' described in 'Natyasastra.' Navarasa consists of nine primary emotions such as Love, Sad, Anger, Hate, Fear, Surprise, Courage, Joy, and Peace. Although there are many text corpus for emotion recognition, we do not know of a text corpus for poems based on nine emotions. The corpus created is from an exhaustive collection of poems of Indian poets for the period 1850-2016. The novelty of this work is the creation of a corpus using poems mined from the web and evaluated by human experts.