
Published: 31 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nbjhw7rcyj.1
Christian Krohn


We hypothesised that organic amendments enhance bacterial activity and function at the community level, facilitating the degradation of the persistent pollutant dieldrin, which aged in a surface soil since 1988. An incubation study was conducted in closed chambers over 12 months to assess the effects of 10 organic amendments (11 including the control) on extractable residues of aged dieldrin. The same chambers were repeatedly sampled. The data contains raw measurements of 132 samples (3 sampling times, 11 treatments and 4 replicates). It includes dieldrin concentrations (µg/g), total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen concentrations (%), mean CO2 respiration (µg-C/g/day), microbial biomass carbon concentrations (µg/g), DNA concentrations (ng/µl) and the diversity indices Faith's phylogenetic diversity and Pielou's evenness (Bacteria). Diversity indices were calculated from abundances and phylogeny based on bacterial amplicon sequences


Steps to reproduce

This will be detailed and linked to a publication (currently under review)


La Trobe University - Melbourne Campus


Environmental Science, Microbiome, Agricultural Soil, Contaminated Land
