LCSC VOC 2020 NW Fire Dataset

Published: 8 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nchppjr9nr.1


Volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements collected via sorbent tubes and analyzed via thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) in southeastern Washington and northcentral Idaho wildfire smoke. The two fires sampled were Chief Timothy Fire and Whitetail Loop Fire, in August and September 2020, with 20 samples and over 100 VOCs. The goal of observations is to relate VOC levels to human health risk.


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See following references for methods: Miller, D. D., Bajracharya, A., Dickinson, G. N., Durbin, T. A., McGarry, J. K. P., Moser, E. P., Nuñez, L. A., Pukkila, E. J., Scott, P. S., Sutton, P. J., & Johnston, N. A. C. (2022). Diffusive uptake rates for passive air sampling: Application to volatile organic compound exposure during FIREX-AQ campaign. Chemosphere, 287, 131808. Scott, P. S., Andrew, J. P., Bundy, B. A., Grimm, B. K., Hamann, M. A., Ketcherside, D. T., Li, J., Manangquil, M. Y., Nuñez, L. A., Pittman, D. L., Rivero-Zevallos, A., Uhlorn, R., & Johnston, N. A. C. (2020). Observations of volatile organic and sulfur compounds in ambient air and health risk assessment near a paper mill in rural Idaho, U. S. A. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11 (10), 1870–1881.


Lewis-Clark State College


Air Pollution, Atmospheric Composition
