Students' reactions to using smartphones and social media for vocabulary feedback

Published: 11 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nd6nxj4y8t.1
Myong-Hee Ko


The present study examined students’ perspectives on using smartphones and social media in receiving teacher feedback in L2 vocabulary learning. As part of an English(L2) vocabulary activity, 208 university students taking a College English Reading course in Korea were instructed to make sentences incorporating target vocabulary and upload their productions to a social media forum using smartphones in class. They then received immediate teacher feedback on appropriate use in context and accurate use in grammar. Near the end of semester, the students completed close-ended and open-ended surveys. The close-ended surveys had two parts: Advantage survey with 31 items and disadvantage survey with 5 items. Both surveys used a 5-point Likert scale: 5 ‘Strongly Agree’; 4 ‘Agree’; 3 ‘Neutral’; 2 ‘Disagree’; 1 ‘Strongly Disagree. Twenty four students were also invited to describe their reflections regarding the newly employed vocabulary feedback method in relation to its timeliness, quality, and student engagement through an open-ended questionnaire.



Social Sciences
