Reservoirs evaporation in semi-arid region

Published: 1 July 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nd7hxn72fd.2
Adelena Maia,


The available data is the result of a research that developed a model to estimate the annual evaporation volume rate (EVR) of reservoirs through morphometric factors, based on reservoir maximum volume, maximum depth, and maximum area. In the study area, located in a semi-arid region of Brazil, in Rio Grande do Norte State (RN) seventy reservoirs were studied. As results 5–88% of reservoir maximum volumes were determined to be lost during the evaporation process. Model validation was realized by 32 reservoirs located in PB State (PB).The results of the model adjustment were considered good since the model did not take into account climatic factors and uses only easily obtained morphometric data. The model developed is a new, easy-to-use tool for predicting the evaporation efficiency of reservoirs and can be used for planning new dam projects and assessing the operation of those already installed. FILE DESCRIPTION: - The files "Data_PB.xlsx" and "Data_PB.xlsx" present the morphometric reservoirs characteristics of RN and PB, and the evaporation model results; - The files "ERV_PB.xlsx" and "ERV_RN.xlsx" present the daily evaporation rate calculated by Jensen-Haise method, and the EVR results. The radiation data were obtained from Tiba (2000) and the temperature were obtained are from INMET (2017), references presented below. - the file "Data_Rn.txt" present the input data with mormorphometric reservoirs characteristics of RN and EVR to use a R program and apply a multiple linear regression; - the file "Script.txt" presents the R script to apply the multiple linear regression.



Evaporation Process
