Quantitative reagent monitoring in electrochemical rapid diagnostic tests
Published: 15 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nd9cyw62rk.1
Léonard BezingeDescription
Electrofluidic_design_file.pdf: Electrode design - please refer to 10.1002/adma.202302893 for complete fabrication details. plot_swv_bipot.py: Control the Sensit smart potentiostat (Palmsens) using the Palmsens Software Development Kit (SDK) (https://www.palmsens.com/knowledgebase-article/palmsens-sdk-for-python/). The script calls the PulseMethod.txt and SWVMethod.txt MethodScripts. plotResults.m: matlab script for reagent classification and flow times, with example data data_P3.csv.
Analytical Electrochemistry