A new method for analyzing sustainability performance of global supply chains and its application to material resources

Published: 11 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nddmgkm3cc.1


OVERALL DESCRIPTION: We share here the data compiled to calculate the results presented in the study «A new method for analyzing sustainability performance of global supply chains and its application to material resources». In order to allow for the compilation of all results of interest, we provide a matlab tool. The tool is based on the multi-regional-input output database EXIOBASE3 (version 3.4) and data to assess the potential environmental impacts of emissions and resource use. While the data for assessing the environmental impacts is provided here, the user must download the Exiobase data from the Exiobase website (due to copyright issues). The provided matlab tool allows to assess the cumulated upstream impacts of any sector or region on the globe without double-counting and to track these impacts upstream and downstream the global value chain. The tool covers a broad set of environmental and socio-economic indicators and the timespan from 1995 to 2011. The methodology of this tool is comprehensively explained in the study: «A new method for analyzing sustainability performance of global supply chains and its application to material resources» (e.g Section 2.1 gives a broad overview of the principle of the method). Link to the study: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.434 HOW TO USE THE TOOL: 1. Download matlab A test software for free can be downloaded here: https://ch.mathworks.com/de/campaigns/products/trials.html 2. Download the folder "Matlab Tool" attached below. 3. Download the EXIOBASE3.4-IOT-ixi data folder for all years of interest from the Exiobase website (due to copyright issues). Note that the ixi tables (referring to industrial sectors) and not the pxp tables (referring to products) must be downloaded. Linkt to the Exiobase website: https://www.exiobase.eu/index.php/data-download/exiobase3mon Store the downloaded Exiobase data folders in the Folder: Matlab Tool/Input_Data/ e.g.: Matlab Tool/Input_Data/IOT_2011_ixi 4. In the folder "Matlab Tool" open the matlab app called “Sustainability_Performance_Analysis.mlapp”. This will also open matlab which will run in the background. Take your settings from the provided listboxes (select the target sectors, target regions, indicators, timespan and how you want to display your results). Label your folder and press the calculation button. You will be informed when your results are ready. The results will be stored as text files (which can be opened as excel files) in your created folder. Note that the entire code is provided in the matlab function “Main_Function_Tool.m” (and may also be translated to R or Python).



Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich


Natural Resources, Environmental Issues of Natural Resources, Sustainability, International Trade, Biodiversity Loss, Economic Input-Output Life-Cycle Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainable Consumption, Global Supply Chains, Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint
