Ocean Hazards Database (OHD) for the State of Hawaii Maui County Coastal Roads Report

Published: 1 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ndyy8nz77x.1


This Maui County-adapted Ocean Hazards Database (OHD) contains all relevant geographic information system (GIS) layers, maps, and tables from the Maui County-adapted Ocean Hazards Classification Scheme (OHCS) assessments of 157 CRESI transects across coastal roads on the islands of Maui and Molokai. As a part of the State of Hawaii Maui County Coastal Roads Report, the Maui County-adapted OHCS assesses and ranks shoreline roadway exposure to ocean hazards based on the variables of historical sea-level rise (SLR) rates (in/yr), projected SLR rates by 2060 and 2100 (in/yr), mean tidal ranges (ft), maximum annually recurring peak wave periods (sec) and significant wave heights (ft), mean projected shoreline change rates (ft/yr), historical and hypothetical tsunami flow depths (ft), and modeled category 1-4 storm surge inundation heights (ft). Maui County-adapted OHCS ranking criteria and methods are described in Chapter 3 of the State of Hawaii Maui County Coastal Road Report (Francis et al., 2024). Maui County-adapted OHD materials are organized into Maui County Coastal Digital Elevation Models, Maui County Ocean Hazard Map Packages, Maui County Ocean Hazard Maps, Maui County Ocean Hazard Tables, and Maui County Coastal Roads Report 'CRESI Transect Locations'. How to Download: Maui County Coastal Digital Elevation Models: Please refer to the 'Maui County Coastal Digital Elevation Models-README.docx'. Maui County Ocean Hazard Maps: Please refer to the 'Maui County Ocean Hazard Maps-README.docx'. Maui County Ocean Hazard Map Packages (.mpkx), below, contain GIS layers for the assessments of SLR inundation, wave properties, projected shoreline change, modeled storm surge inundation, and topo-bathymetric transects. Maui County Ocean Hazard Tables (.pdf), below, contain Maui County-adapted OHCS measurements for 157 CRESI transects across coastal roads on Maui and Molokai. Representative dataset references are included in table footnotes. Maui County Coastal Roads Report 'CRESI Transect Locations' (.kmz, .xlsx, .mpkx), below, contains the location information, in different formats, of the 157 CRESI transects. This project was funded by the Hawaii Department of Transportation, HWY-L 2.3089. References Francis, O., Zhang, G., Ma, D., Robertson, I., Togia, H., Yang, L., Eyre, K., Rossi, C., Martinez, B.A., Han, R., Hataishi, M., Hunter, N., Takahashi, C., Wang, Y., Yang, H., Zhou, S., & Yuan. R. (2024). State of Hawaii Maui County coastal roads report. Prepared for the Maui County and State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Project number HWY-L 2.3089, February 26, 2024.



University of Hawai'i at Manoa


Geographic Information System, Coastal Hazard, Hawaii


Hawaii Department of Transportation

HWY-L 2.3089
