IoT based Speed Control Semi-Autonomous On-Road Electric Cargo Vehicle

Published: 12 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ng3dj984gm.1


Contains Design Files, Schematic, Graphcal Abstract, Data Set, Flow Chart, Test Architecture, Simulation & Test Results


Steps to reproduce

Build instructions: The project follows a traditional breadboard PCB based component population approach to simulate the system under discussion at the test bench within a controlled lab environment. Pin-outs used are listed as shown in the figure above. Detailed files are also available in the link Two separate +12 V & +4.5 V power sources are to be used. An oscilloscope needs to be used to monitor the output, which is a controlled PWM signal from micro-controller to implement the recommended regulated vehicle speed. Operation instructions: • Power sources must be at constant +12 VDC and +4.5 VDC, throughout the simulation. • The Vehicle speed and motor speed can be set using the 2 Potentiometers via ATMEGA16. • Every time, when the vehicle speed or motor speed is set, verify the values set using an oscilloscope. This can come in handy for debugging when there are deviations. • The proximity detection is provided through a serial input. Before starting the experimental simulation, please make sure Serial communications are in working condition. • Parameters like SoC, SoH, Payload and Tire Pressure are assumed to be in normal operating ranges throughout the duration of the experiment.


Annamalai University Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Electric Vehicles
