Omnibus Survey Results_Arts and Medicine_Group 15
Background: We surveyed medical students on various health related questions such as sleep, consumption of energy drinks and fitness as well as their art involvement and interest in art-based therapies. We also surveyed if students were members of MusiCare (local music therapy organization). Our preliminary analysis compares arts participation before and after entering medical school, students’ self-reported stress levels, sleep hygiene and consumption of energy drinks. We hypothesize that students who participated in arts prior and during medical school will have lower self-reported stress levels and healthier stress-coping behaviors. Demographics: Medical and graduate students at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, Lubbock, TX. Respondents include 133 MS1, 61 MS2, 44 MS3, 29 MS4, and 9 graduate students; 183 respondents aged 21-25, 72 26-30, 10 31-35 and 8 36-40; 129 males and 146 females. Data collection: This project used the TTUHSC School of Medicine P3-1 Honors Project Omnibus Survey, an online survey instrument sent to all TTUHSC School of Medicine medical students as well as medical residents, graduate students and faculty members. The survey, which included 26 question sets that branched according to respondent groups, received a total of 329 responses. The questions that our group submitted received 276 responses, a survey response rate of 83.9%. Results: Most students reported a moderate amount of stress on a typical week and acknowledge a high level of stress on a testing wee. About 75% of the students report an increase in stress during exam week. The majority of respondents get 5-9 hours of sleep per night. Approximately a third of the students were involved in arts prior to entering medical school. Students that were involved in arts reported a decrease in their activities during medical school. Factors most cited included lack of a dedicated students organization, colleagues to work with, dedicated space, and time limitation. Only 21 students reported being a member of MusiCare. A quarter of the medical students reported being interested in bedside art-based therapies. Art involvement most cited included activities playing a musical instrument and singing. Others included painting/drawing, dance, photography and writing. Students reported that they would participate in arts if there were organizations or devoted locations to encourage them to do so. Energy drinks consumption by medical student is a rare habit. Less than 10% of the population declares consuming them for studying or the night prior to an exam. Conclusions: We find a gap between the number of musically-oriented medical students and participation in MusiCare. Major contributing factors limiting students’ arts participation are organizational opportunity (e.g. creative writing/improvisation/photography club, etc.) and allocation of spaces. A large proportion of student have an interest in art-based healthcare.