Dataset for CEPEDALoCo: An Event-Driven Architecture for Integrating Complex Event Processing and Blockchain through Low-Code

Published: 18 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ngshc6y5kv.1
Jesus Rosa-Bilbao,


This is the dataset for our paper entitled “CEPEDALoCo: An Event-Driven Architecture for Integrating Complex Event Processing and Blockchain through Low-Code”. This dataset contains the following information: - CaseStudy: it includes the necessary files for the execution of the case study on air quality proposed in the paper such as Docker containers, Siddhi CEP application, smart contract, and node flows. - Questionnaire: it includes the questionnaire conducted by an independent group of users, who tested the architecture, as well as the responses obtained. - Results: it includes screenshots of the case study execution as well as an Excel sheet used to calculate the costs of storing complex events in the Polygon blockchain network. - SensorData: it includes the data measured by the sensors, which are used in the case study on air quality proposed in the paper.



Hogskulen pa Vestlandet, Universidad de Cadiz


Architecture, Air Quality, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Smart Contract
