Dataset. Techno-economic analysis of the regulatory framework for collective self-consumption in Spain

Published: 13 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nh5xdwkg27.1
Javier Serrano,


Data considered in the work entitled 'Techno-economic analysis of the regulatory framework for collective self-consumption in Spain'. The first 20 columns correspond to the hourly profiles of energy demanded (kWh) for each of the 20 customers considered in the self-consumption community. Each row represents one hour of the year under study. Columns 22-24 provide the average hourly day-ahead market price, the energy surplus selling price and the regulated tariff price (PVPC), respectively. Columns 26 and 27 correspond, respectively, to the irradiance and ambient temperature considered.



Universidad de Sevilla Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria de Sevilla


Energy Business
