Spatial transcriptomics of human placentas reveal distinct RNA patterns associated with morphology and preeclampsia

Published: 26 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nh8797sjr6.1
Nayanika Bhalla,


The deposited data is presented in the manuscript by Bhalla N et al., with the title "Spatial transcriptomics of human placentas reveal distinct RNA patterns associated with morphology and preeclampsia". This dataset contains the count files in TSV format (count file with raw counts (UMI filtered) for each gene and capture spot) for all the samples in the folder "ST_count_matrices". The spot detector output files (file with spatial pixel coordinate information produced using the Spot Detector webtool) can be found in the folder "Spot_detector_output". The high resolution H&E images of the sections can be found in "HE_images(High_res)" and the resized H&E images used in data analysis can be found in "HE_images (size30)_forST". Additionally, a STUtility object, created using the R package STUtility (a wrapper of Seurat), of all the samples with the abovementioned information is also loaded to the dataset.


Steps to reproduce

All R scripts used for the data analyses can be found at


Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala Universitet, Lunds Universitet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Gene technology


Natural Sciences, Transcriptomics, Spatial Analysis
