PAN India Dataset of Goal-orientation dispositions, Self-determination and Thriving at Work for private university educational professionals.

Published: 26 February 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nhbd5j52p2.2


This dataset was used to test the moderating role of goal orientation dispositions on the direct effect of self-determination on thriving at work. The latent variables included self-determination (SD) as the independent variable, thriving at work (TW) as the dependent variable, and goal orientation (GO) as the moderating variable. Goal-orientation dispositions were measured considering its four types: mastery-approach goal orientation, mastery-avoidance goal orientation, performance-approach goal orientation, and performance-avoidance goal orientation. A quantitative dataset was generated from educational professionals working in private universities across the states of the Indian subcontinent. Email survey was employed, and valid responses from 396 respondents were tabulated and organized as demographic and scale data. Statistical findings show that goal orientation dispositions do not moderate the direct effect relationship between self-determination and thriving at work. This finding was unique and interpreted that irrespective of the nature of disposition undertaken in an achievement or competence-based work environment, it does not deter the sample respondents from their state of achieving intellectual and psychological growth. Reliable and validated measurement scales were used to generate the data. The independent variable of self-determination was measured using the Work-related basic needs satisfaction scale (W-BNS), Vanden Broeck et al. (2010), considering all the 23-items across the three dimensions of autonomy (7-items), competence (6-items) and relatedness (10-items). The dependent variable used the Thriving at Work scale, Porath et al. (2012) having 10-items across the two dimensions of vitality (5-items) and learning (5-items). The moderating variable of goal orientation was measured using the 2 × 2 Framework of achievement goals for a work domain scale, Baranik et al. (2007) having four dimensions of mastery-approach goal orientation (4-items), mastery-avoidance goal orientation (4-items), performance-approach goal orientation (4-items), and performance-avoidance goal orientation (4-items). All items were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The scales included reverse-coded items. The dataset can be utilized for comparative studies with respect to studying the nature of goal orientation disposition among educational professionals working in other types of educational institutions. It can be used to compare the nature of goal orientation most suitable when working in non-academic settings enabling to gain insights when employees move from the academe to the industry and vice versa.



Christ University


Organizational Behavior, Human Behavior, Disposition towards Thinking, Group Behavior, Employee Well-Being, Self-Determination Theory
