The interplay of secondary EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and pedagogical content knowledge with their instructional materials use approach orientation
Published: 12 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nhgycstdmr.1
Nurul Fitriyah AlmunawarohDescription
This data set is from my study on investigating the interplay of secondary EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and pedagogical content knowledge with their instructional materials use approach orientation. The data includes the results of reliability, descriptive statistics, EVA, CR, EFA, CFA, and SEM
Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem
Education, Pedagogy of Teacher Education, Pedagogical Practice, Teacher Beliefs, Instructional Material
Stipendium Hungaricum
The Research Programme for Public Education Development of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Reading Fluency and Comprehension Research Group, MTA-PTE.