Fluidized bed membrane reactor - vertical membranes configurations

Published: 7 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nhyh3pb748.1
Ivo Roghair,


The Two-Fluid Model was used to study hydrogen production in a fluidized bed membrane reactor using various configurations of vertically immersed membranes (fully selective extraction of hydrogen). The datasets contain the time-averaged properties for phase velocity (U.air, U.particles), hydrogen mole fraction (X.air) and particle phase fractions (alpha.particles). The files can be visualized using Paraview (see www.paraview.org). A state file is supplied as well that allows easy visualization of the hydrogen molar fraction profiles. Short manual for using the state file (Paraview 5.6.0): - Download all files - Paraview > File > Load state - Select state3.pvsm - In "Load State Data File Options" select "Choose file names" - Choose the .vtk file (e.g. VM3close.vtk) - Results should appear and can be interactively explored. (further information regarding the linked journal publication will be updated after acceptance of the manuscript)



Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Faculteit Scheikundige Technologie


Fluidized Bed Reactor, Membrane Reactor, Hydrogen
