Risk factors for atrial fibrillation in patients with a history of adhd under stimulant therapy: a systematic review

Published: 9 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nj2tbndp7k.2
R Mohamad Javier


As shown below, the dataset utilized in the study Risk factors for atrial fibrillation in patients with a history of adhd under stimulant therapy: a systematic review PRISMA-P Checklist .doc shows PRISMA-P checklist as extended data data.doc presents the findings and evaluations of five journals concerning the following variables: risk factor of using stimulant therapy on adhd patients, and the correlation between these condition and atrial fibrillation. These journals were checked and extracted into a table to make it easier to understand the contents of the journal. Based on the journal grouping findings, the number of Scopus Q1 indexed journals is one, Q2 is one, Q3 is one, and Q4 is two, with a total of five journals taken and used as references for our systematic observational study. PRISMA MANUSKRIP.docx shows PRISMA-Flow Diagram of Included Study


Steps to reproduce

1. Identification of problems In this research, researchers examine problems through research journals sourced from reports of previous research results. The problem of this research is the risk factors for stimulant intoxication with a history of ADHD followed by an ECG of atrial fibrillation in children and adults. 2. Data search In this research, researchers searched for data through journal portal websites that can be easily accessed such as Google Scholar. Based on the theme taken by researchers regarding risk factors for stimulant intoxication with a history of ADHD followed by an ECG of atrial fibrillation in children and adults, the researchers conducted a search for journal data using the keywords "stimulant intoxication, ADHD, ECG atrial fibrillation". The journals obtained at this stage were 65,474 journal articles. 3. Screening / Selection Criteria The topic examined in this study is risk factors for stimulant intoxication with a history of ADHD followed by an ECG of atrial fibrillation in children and adults. With this topic, the literature accessed in the process of this research was screened based on Journal indexed by Scopus Q1-Q4, which relates to "risk factors for stimulant intoxication with a history of ADHD followed by an ECG of atrial fibrillation in children and adults” 4. Quality Assessment Inclusion and exclusion systematic review of research based on its quality is how the quality of this research is measured. Journals that have been accepted for additional scrutiny may be invalidated based on these criteria. Journals are evaluated based on whether they were published within a certain time period, 2017-2023. Overall there were 16,728 journals examined. Data extraction is possible when every accessible piece of information has been subdivided into relevant details. The results obtained from this data extraction can be utilized to determine the precise number of articles who remain eligible for further consideration following the conclusion of the screening process. Data extraction for this systematic review consists of examining each of the five selected publications, observing the most significant findings from each article, and then taking the results to the data synthesis phase.


Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Fakultas Kedokteran


Internal Medicine
