Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) monitoring data

Published: 12 April 2017| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nj5w2bkkdc.2
Arno Thomaes, Detlef Mader,
, Maria Fremlin


Data from stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) transects walked at three locations: Tairnbach (8.75°E, 49.25°N, Germany, Mader 2009, 2013), Basel (7.58°E, 47.57°N, Switzerland, Sprecher-Uebersax 2001) and Colchester (0.88°E, 51.88°N, UK, Fremlin & Fremlin 2010). Each record represents one transect walk given its date, Transect (name), Stag beetle observation (number of stag beetles observed), transect length (in hours), Moon (percentage of moon visible), temperature, rain, wind, RH (relative humidity) and Press (air pressure) at nearby weather stations during the transect walk. This data was used for the following paper: Arno Thomaes, Pieter Verschelde, Detlef Mader, Eva Sprecher-Uebersax, Maria Fremlin, Thierry Onkelinx & Marcos Méndez (2017). Can we successfully monitor population density decline of elusive invertebrates? A statistical power analysis on Lucanus cervus. Nature Conservation Fremlin, M., Fremlin, D., 2010. Weather-dependence of Lucanus cervus L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae) activity in a Colchester urban area. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 27, 214-230. Mader, D., 2009. Populationsdynamik, ökologie und schutz des hirschkäfers (Lucanus cervus) im Raum um Heidelberg und Mannheim. verlag regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher. Mader, D., 2013. Biochronology and selenodynamics of moselle apollo, stag beetle and other insects in 2013 in comparison with earlier years. Documenta naturae, Sonderband, München. Sprecher-Uebersax, E., 2001. Studien zur biologie und phänologie des hirschkäfers im raum Basel: mit empfehlungen von schutzmassnahmen zur erhaltung und förderung des bestandes in der region (Coleoptera: Lucanidae, Lucanus cervus L.). Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel, Basel.


Steps to reproduce

As it is historic data, it cannot be reproduced. For monitoring protocols see Mader 2009, 2013, Sprecher-Uebersax 2001 and Fremlin & Fremlin 2010. For origin of weather data see Thomaes et al. 2017


Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek


Entomology, Coleoptera, Conservation Biology
