SDPRA 2021 Shared Task Data
Any particular research article goes through discrete filtering steps to get published in a reputed journal or conference. The first step in the peer review process is the editor’s initial screening(s). The editor’s job, who is also an expert in the particular field, decides whether an article should be rejected without further review or forwarded to expert reviewers for meticulous evaluation. Acceptance of paper depends heavily on the reviewers. It’s becoming more common for people to share their reviews on social media, especially when reviewers reject their work on spurious grounds. This shared task focuses on identifying topics or category of scientific articles, which in turn can help us in efficiently storing large number of articles, retrieving related papers, and in building personal recommendation systems. For this task we collected a total of 35000 abstracts scientific article(computer science) from different corpora. Given an abstract of a paper, the objective of the shared task is to classify it into one of the 7 predefined domains. Such as Computation and Language (CL), Cryptography and Security (CR), Distributed and Cluster Computing (DC), Data Structures and Algorithms (DS), Logic in Computer Science (LO), Networking and Internet Architecture (NI), and Software Engineering (SE).