A bibliometric analysis of global and South American research trends associated with landscape fragmentation, rural land use change, and conservation area buffer zones.

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/njtw477v2s.1


This study utilizes bibliometric analysis to offer a quantitative and systematic overview of the progression of research pertaining to landscape fragmentation, rural land use change, and the concept of protected area buffer zones, while also contrasting global research methodologies with those employed in Latin American countries. Against the backdrop of increasing pressures on natural resources and environmental degradation, this study aligns with the global biodiversity framework's vision for conserving biodiversity and ecosystem health by 2050. The analysis tracks research trends, assesses research impact, visualizes collaboration networks, identifies key figures, and thematic clusters within the global and Latin American research contexts. By leveraging bibliometric techniques, insights into evolving research landscapes and strategic advancements in landscape ecology and conservation science are gained. The results reveal emerging and declining research topics, identifying gaps, trends, and regional variations in understanding critical issues related to landscape dynamics in rural areas. The study aims to enhance collaboration among stakeholders, inform evidence-based decision-making, and promote sustainable biodiversity conservation efforts in Latin America, in alignment with the global sustainability goals.



CIEP, Universidad Austral de Chile - Campus Isla Teja


Sustainability, Latin America, Ecosystem Health, Land Use Change, Rural Landscape, Protected Area, Conservation of Biodiversity, Landscape Fragmentation, Environmental Degradation, Bibliometrics, Land Use


Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo

FONDECYT 1230020
