Estimating Household Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Quality via Community Sewage System
Published: 4 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/njvc3pbpnh.1
Daniel Harris, Jerrod PennDescription
This data is based on a contingent valuation for a community sewage system in Southeast Louisiana. The survey used an Incentive Compatible payment card to elicit willingness to pay for the new system. Using interval regression, we find statistically significant estimates for willingness to pay despite a small sample size of 51. Interval regression is also used to find what factors affect willingness to pay. All analysis and cleaning was conducted using Stata in a single .do file, and data is saved as a .dta file.
Steps to reproduce
The code should run using the .do file. Just be sure to change the working directory to the location where you save the .dta file.
Louisiana State University
Contingent Valuation, Willingness-to-Pay, Sewage, Water Economics