Understanding the determinants of household cooking fuel choice in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Nigeria
This dataset was sourced from the fourth wave of the Nigerian Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) datasets to examine the influence of remittances on cooking fuel choices, among other factors in Nigeria. The dependent variable is households’ cooking energy choice obtained by asking households to state their cooking energy preference. It consists of thirteen (13) unordered cooking energy options, categorised into traditional (wood, animal waste, sawdust, coal briquette), transitional (kerosene, coal, and charcoal), and modern (LPG gas, piped natural gas, biogas and electricity) energy sources consistent with energy ladder literature. Variables such as remittance, gender, marital status, access to electricity, access to credit, household location, ownership of dwelling and geopolitical zone were operationalised as categorical variables, while household head education, average household education, distance to road, distance to market, dependency ratio and wealth index are continuous.