Gait Assessment of Chinese Elderly in Daily Environment Using the "Pocket Gait" App
Published: 14 February 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/nk4n3jcsk6.3
, Description
This data set corresponds to the paper entitled "Gait Assessment of the Elderly with a Smart-Phone App: Impacts of Walking States, Exercise Amount and Age". The dataset includes demographic information of the participants and gait parameters (step frequency, max acceleration, min acceleration, acceleration root mean square, step variability, step regularity and symmetry) in three walking states (normal, fast-walking and simulated visually impaired). Please find the dataset of 100 older adults, the app and the sample of a .csv data collected by the app in the following files.
Steps to reproduce
Please cite the dataset and the software Pocket Gait.
Jiangnan University
Wearable Computing, Gait, Fall Prevention, Elderly Health