Data for: Term limits and voter turnout

Published: 17 March 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nkh5ngd6sb.1
Francisco Veiga, Linda Veiga


The following 3 files were uploaded: - "data_municipality.dta": contains the data (in Stata 14 format) for the 308 Portuguese municipalities, covering the local elections from 1997 to 2013. - "data_parish.dta"_ contains the data (in Stata 14 format) for 2163 Portuguese municipalities, which were not affected by the territorial reorganization of 2013, covering the local elections from 1997 to 2013. - "": Stata do-file with the code used to run the regressions and replicate all tables and figures of the paper and of the Online Appendix. The tables will be generated in Excel format. Both dta-files include variables labels describing each variable.



Political Science, Political Economy, Electoral Studies
