XRD & XRF raw data

Published: 24 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nkpmdtdkfw.1
Edna Xochitl Figueroa Rosales


In this data base you will find the original data used to construct the XRD patterns and the XRF spectra, both graphs were created in OriginPro 2019b software.


Steps to reproduce

In the folder XRD there are twelve files, two for each of the five samples and two more for the capillary used for the measurements. The Jas file contains six columns: 1) 2theta at 1A wavelength 2) 2theta at copper wavelength 1.54 3) intensity normalized to 100 after background subtraction 4) intensity after background subtraction 5) intensity 6) calculated background The Chi file contains just 2 columns: 1) 2theta at 1A wavelength (same as jas files column 1 ) 2) intensity (same as jas files column 5 ) The columns used to do the reported patterns were 1 and 4, but column 4 still contained the capillary contribution, thus capillary's column 4 was subtracted to the column 4 of each sample. Then the resulting data were graphed and the patterns are shown in figure 2. In the folder XRF there are three files Csv, each of one have 36 columns: 1) Channel 2) Energy 3) Counts 4) Fit 5) Continuum 6) Pileup 7) P K (average) 8) P Ka 9) P Kb 10) Ar K (average) 11) Ar Ka 12) Ar Kb 13) K K (average) 14) K Ka 15) K Kb 16) Ca K (average) 17) Ca Ka 18) Ca Kb 19) Ti K (average) 20) Ti Ka 21) Ti Kb 22) Fe K (average) 23) Fe Ka 24) Fe Kb 25) Ni K (average) 26) Cu K (average) 27) Cu Ka 28) Cu Kb 29) Zn K (average) 30) Zn Ka 31) Zn Kb 32) Br K (average) 33) Br Ka 34) Br Kb 35) Scatter peak 36) Scatter Compton To graphed the spectra were used columns 2 and 3. Jas, Chi and Csv files were opened with excel program of Microsoft package, then the selected columns for each technique for each sample were copy and paste in a OriginPro 2019b sheet to obtain figure 2 and 4, respectively.


Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla


Elemental Analysis, Structural Analysis
