EMG Data from Eyeblinks
This Dataset was recorded with the help of RMS salus 2c Electromyograph (EMG) Machine. Five healthy volunteers participated in the experiment. The goal of the experiment was to follow the instructions given by the grasping algorithm to operate a robotic hand with the help of eyeblinks.
Steps to reproduce
1. Machine used for the experiment was RMS Salus 2c EMG Machine 2. Software Version 7.7.1 3. 5 health volunteers were chosen for the experiment 4. Recording was conducted in 4 sessions per volunteer. 5. Each day 2 sessions were recorded at randomly chosen time. 6. Screen was placed in front of the volunteers and the instructions were given on that screen to tell . 7. Reference electrode was placed on the forehead while the Active electrode was placed on the orbicularis occuli muscle.