Data set for estimating combining abilities for yield and quality attributes in summer tomato using line by tester analysis in Bangladesh

Published: 1 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nmbhxxxzzj.1
Mohammad Matin Akand


The dataset includes seven inbred lines as female parents (L) and two testers as male parents (T) with diverse genetic bases and heat tolerance qualities. Fourteen cross combinations were produced through an L×T (7 × 2) mating design, involving hybridization between lines (f) and testers (m) in a one-to-one fashion. To assess the heterosis of the crosses, all parents (both lines and testers) were included along with the crosses and evaluated in the same experimental field for 16 traits using a completely randomized design with two replications.


Steps to reproduce

The trial took place in the polytunnels of the Horticulture Research Centre (HRC) of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh at 24.00° N latitude and 90.25° E longitude. Seeds of the lines, testers, and their hybrids were sown in a well-prepared seedbed. Forty-day-old tomato seedlings were then transplanted into the main field under transparent polytunnels. The polytunnels were 2.3 meters wide and contained two-unit beds, each measuring 0.8 meters by 1 meter, with a 30-centimeter drain between the 14-unit beds. Each unit bed had double rows, accommodating 28 plants. Most of the data were collected from randomly selected plants—five plants per parental line and their crosses. Data collection followed the standards outlined by the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) descriptor for tomato. Fruits per plant, yield per plant, and yield per hectare were calculated from the plot yield.


Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute


Horticultural Crop Development, Agricultural Genetics
