Movie reviews (comment + rating) for 10 movies gathered from IMDB website
We have created manually 10 datasets for 10 different movies, each one contains 100 reviews (comment + rating) randomly extracted and we made sure that the datasets are representatives based on IMDB users weighted average vote. For each movie, we have created 100 files named from 1 to 100, each one of them contains an opinion toward the target movie. expressed in natural language (ENG). Furthermore, we have created a file named "rating.txt" that contains an arrray of numbers, each number repsresents the rating (numeric scale) attached to a specific opinion toward the target movie. This is what the rating file looks like: rating = [ 9 , 10 , 3 ,...................] Interpretation : The user that posted the review stored in "1.txt" file has given a 9/10 as rating to the target movie. The user that posted the review stored in "2.txt" file has given a 10/10 as rating to the target movie. The user that posted the review stored in "3.txt" file has given a 3/10 as rating to the target movie.