Utilizing UAV-based photogrammetry to develop a 3D Model of IITGN

Published: 3 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nmxysw8ybx.1


At Indian Institute of Gandhinagar (IITGN), Gujarat, India, a half semester 2 credit course was taught on drone data acquisition, processing, and interpretation during March-April 2024. The class project was to collect drone imagery of the entire IITGN campus, approximately 1.96 km2 in area. This dataset has been collected and processed by the 28 students who enrolled in the class. The survey was conducted with a Quadcopter equipped with a 48 MPX camera. During the data acquisition, a total of >4,100 photographs with 70% overlap were collected with an average altitude of 105m. The aerial imagery was stitched utilizing the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique (Agisoft) to develop the 3D Digital Outcrop Model (DOM). Six individual models were developed for the entire IITGN campus that has been stitched into a single model. The final IITGN 3D model has a ground resolution of 2.21 cm/pix. Ground control points (GCPs) were collected before the survey that has been utilized to georeference the model. This dataset provides an orthophotograph (5.2 cm/pix) as well as a 3D model (.bin) of the entire IITGN campus.



Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar


Structure from Motion, Photogrammetry, Photogrammetric 3D Model, Project-Based Learning, Drone (Aircraft)
