Data for: Artisanal fishery in Ecuador. A case study of Manta city and its economic policies to improve competitiveness of the sector.

Published: 9 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nr9ysjskp5.1
Erick Menendez


This dataset shows the marks given for artisanal fishers to the list of variables in the analysis of the problematic of the artisanal fishery competitiveness. The perception of the artisanal fishers has been gathered on a Likert scale that allows us to make an accurate statistical analysis.


Steps to reproduce

To get these data it was necessary to prepare a survey with questions related to the competitiveness matrix combining competitiveness variables and activities.


Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi, Universidad de Cadiz


Social Sciences, Economy
