Chironomid dataset from Mutterbergersee: A late-Holocene paleotemperature proxy record for the Central Eastern Alps, Austria
Data have been derived from the investigation of long-term (AD 1300–2010) changes in chironomid (non-biting midges) assemblages in sediment core MUT-10, retrieved from Mutterbergersee (MUT), a high-alpine lake in the Central Eastern Alps (Stubai Alps, Tyrol). The data are provided in five separate Excel sheets. The first sheet (metadata) provides information about the coring site, archive type and related research articles. The second one (raw chironomid count) contains subfossil chironomid head capsule count data (= number of head capsules recovered per sample). The third one (chironomid percentages) contains the relative abundances of each taxon calculated with respect to the total chironomid remains enumerated per sample. The fourth sheet (chironomid-inferred T_July) includes mean July air temperature data calculated from the chironomid assemblages using a Swiss-Norwegian chironomid–temperature inference model. The chronological framework data are available in the fifth sheet (dating) containing information on the 210Pb and 14C measurements in sediment core MUT-10.