Market Orientation, Networking and Competitive Advantage among MSMEs in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia
This dataset contains data on the relationship between market orientation, networking, and the competitive advantage of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. The data was collected through questionnaires distributed to MSME actors in the Wonogiri district of Central Java Province, Indonesia. The dataset covers demographic information, competitive advantage, market orientation, and networking aspects and is based on the responses of 200 selected MSMEs.
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Objective and Research Design: The primary objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between market orientation, networking, and competitive advantage in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. The research design was focused on understanding how these factors interplay and influence the competitive advantage of MSMEs in the Indonesian context. Data Collection Instruments: The data collection process involved the use of questionnaires. These questionnaires were specifically developed for the study and included items related to demographic information, competitive advantage, market orientation, and networking. The development of these questionnaires likely included the formulation of questions and response choices to effectively capture the desired information. Additionally, they would have undergone validation procedures to ensure that they reliably measured the intended variables. Sampling Method: A non-probability sampling technique was employed to select the study's participants. Specifically, 200 respondents were chosen for the research. The emphasis was on selecting MSME actors located in the Wonogiri district, which is a sub-district within Central Java, Indonesia. Non-probability sampling methods may have been used to select participants based on factors such as accessibility, availability, or specific characteristics relevant to the study's objectives. Data Collection Location and Date: The data collection was conducted in December, and it covered 11 sub-districts within the Wonogiri district, Central Java, Indonesia. The choice of this geographical location allows for a specific focus on a particular region and its MSME actors. Data Collection Procedure: The data collection procedure involved the distribution and collection of questionnaires among the selected respondents. Ethical considerations and informed consent were likely taken into account during this process to ensure the well-being and privacy of the participants. This may have included providing information about the study's purpose, obtaining consent for participation, and addressing any concerns related to data confidentiality. Data Analysis Tool: The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using the SPSS Statistics 25 software. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a commonly used tool for statistical analysis. The specific analysis procedures conducted with SPSS 25 would include various statistical tests and techniques to examine the relationships and patterns within the data. While the exact details of the analysis process may not be provided, the software used for analysis is essential information.