Benchmark instances for the preemptive single machine scheduling of equal-length jobs minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time

Published: 29 January 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nrkx7467tf.2
Artem Fomin


The benchmark is an attachment to the paper "An exact model for the preemptive single machine scheduling of equal-length jobs" article by Artem Fomin and Boris Goldengorin. Our benchmark provides over a million 1|pmtn;pj=p;rj|∑wjCj problem instances. The instances' size is up to np=800, where n is the number of jobs and p is the common processing time with n in [10, 350] and p in [2, 20]. For each instance, we provide the optimal objective function value, corresponding optimal schedule and time in which it was found by the algorithm described in the paper. The instances in this benchmark are the same as in our other dataset for the Total Weighted Tardiness (TWT) problem, but withouth the due dates. Also, this dataset contains several larger problems. The other dataset is available at: For a more detailed dataset description, see the "README.txt" file. For an even more detailed description refer to the mentioned article. For your convenience, we also provide a small version of the benchmark with only the first 100 instances for each problem size. It will be much easier to handle than the full dataset with more than a million instances, each in a separate file.



Combinatorial Optimization, Discrete Optimization
