Data for: Mechanism of metamorphic fluid expulsion from ductile contact aureole: Insights from numerical modeling of a growing mid-crustal magma chamber
Published: 31 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nrs3jfwcf8.1
, , , Yaolin ShiDescription
The dataset comprises output files for "Mechanism of metamorphic fluid expulsion from ductile contact aureole: Insights from numerical modeling of a growing mid-crustal magma chamber". It includes data for the complete evolution of the pluton and fluid propagation process for models of continuous growth, episodic growth at every 100 years, and episodic growth at every 1000 years. Additionally, data for three individual nodes located in the inner, middle and outer parts of the center and edge aureole are provided.
Fluid Flow, Porosity, Contact Metamorphism, Numerical Modeling