Materials for "Catalog of Gamma-ray Glows during Four Winter Seasons in Japan"
# Materials for "Catalog of Gamma-ray Glows during Four Winter Seasons in Japan" ## About This data repository contains data and materials used for Wada et al. "Catalog of Gamma-ray Glows during Four Winter Seasons in Japan" submitted to Physical Review Research. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the corresponding author of the paper. ## Event list The event list of 70 gamma-ray glows is in LIST/event_list.xlsx and LIST/event_list.csv. Both have the same data but in different formats. Please see the paper for detail. In the list, the fitting results of count-rate histories with Gaussian functions are included. "const" is the background count rates, "norm1", "center1", "sigma1" are the peak count rate, the peak time, the standard deviation of the first Gaussian function. The same descriptions for the second and third Gaussian functions if applicable. The time origin of the peak time is at the base time in the forth column. ## About the QDP format It this repository, many data sets are in the QDP format. It is just an ASCII data. In a row, the value and error of X and Y axis are included like "x x-error y y-error". QDP can be directly loaded by the Veusz plotter, which then authors used to produce figures. See also NASA's website ( ## Count-rate histories Data for the count-rate histories are stored in QDP/lightcurve in the QDP format. The X axis in UNIXTIME. If you are familiar with ROOT developed by CERN, you can also use the ROOT files in ROOT/lightcurve. TH1F histograms are located in the ROOT file. "high" is a count-rate history above 3~MeV, which is used in the paper, and "low" is above the lower energy threshold. The lower threshold depends on detectors. The time origin of the ROOT histogram is the base time described in the event list. ## Energy spectra Energy spectra in the QDP format are in QDP/spectrum. Since they are in a sophisticated QDP format, we recommend to use the QDP software or Veusz to load properly. If you are interested in spectral analysis, you can find FITS files for XSPEC in FITS/spectrum. The spectral analysis requires XSPEC ( After launching XSPEC, please execute a command "@eventxx.xcm" in FITS/spectrum/individual, for example. Please retain the directory structure to load libraries (i.e. response matrices). ## Materials for figures Data for figures are stored in QDP/figurexx. All the data are in the QDP format. ## Contact Yuuki Wada (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) wada (at)