Image-based Data on Strain Fields of Microstructures with Porosity Defects_3

Published: 17 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ns4bby8s6m.1
Pranav Milind Khanolkar, Saurabh Basu, Christopher McComb


This dataset is one of the three datasets that are utilized in the research, 'Predicting elastic strain fields in defective microstructures using image colorization algorithms' submitted for publication in the Computational Material Science Journal. This is a part of supplementary data for the Data in Brief article co-submitted alongside the aforementioned paper in Computational Material Science Journal. The data file is a MATLAB Binary Data Compressed file (.mat) that contains images of microstructures and their respective strain fields represented as two-dimensional arrays. This data is utilized for training a convolutional neural network to predict strain fields within a microstructure, through image colorization algorithm. This dataset contains six sub-folders each having two datasets (500 samples and 50 samples) of microstructures with porosity defects of six unique shapes described in the aforementioned research article along with their strain fields.



Microstructure, Strain, Deep Learning
