Peculiarities of External Speech Operations in Narrative Speech of Preschool Children

Published: 22 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nsdyc48j79.1
Yuliia Krolivets


The purpose of the article is to present the state and levels of the development of external speech operations in lexical and grammatical structuring in the narrative speech of preschool children. The results of children’s narrative speech observation reveal the features and levels of external speech operations development in lexical and grammatical structuring in preschool children, the uniqueness of children’s external speech, characteristic for each of the selected levels, show that each child who develops normally has an inherent individual uneven development of narrative operations and actions. The conclusion about statistically significant differences was made by comparing the obtained empirical indicators with the critical value of Student’s t-test. Analysis of the state of external speech operations development of narrative speech in preschool children created the preconditions for the allocation of four levels of these speech operations development: high, sufficient, medium, and low.


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Research methods and techniques. The research used theoretical methods: analysis of psycholinguistic and psychological literature, generalization of data obtained as a result of analysis, isolation and substantiation of criteria and indicators of psycholinguistic diagnosis of the state and levels of external speech operations development in preschool children, drawing conclusions; empirical methods: conversations with preschool children, analysis of children’s stories, content analysis, ascertaining (study of the level of narrative speech development in preschool children) experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. In order to diagnose the development of external speech operations in narrative speech, the following methods and techniques were used: sentence ending technique, directed associative experiment of I.L. Baskakova, V.P. Hlukhova, technique “Tell by the picture” of R. Nemov, method of psychographic analysis of I.M. Lushchykhina, V.K. Haida, V.V. Loskutova. The results of children’s narrative speech observation reveal the features and levels of external speech operations development in lexical and grammatical structuring in preschool children, the uniqueness of children’s external speech, characteristic for each of the selected levels, show that each child who develops normally has an inherent individual uneven development of narrative operations and actions. The conclusion about statistically significant differences was made by comparing the obtained empirical indicators with the critical value of Student’s t-test. Analysis of the state of external speech operations development of narrative speech in preschool children created the preconditions for the allocation of four levels of these speech operations development: high, sufficient, medium, and low.


Pereyaslav-Xmel'nyc'kyj derzhavnyj pedahohichnyj universytet imeni Hryhoriya Skovorody


Psycholinguistics, Narrative Research
