Flavin Amine Oxidase Superfamily Sequence Similarity Network and Genome Neighborhood Network

Published: 21 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nsnvpzmgm4.1
Karen Allen,


Cytoscape compatable files of the sequence similarity network (SSN) and genome neighborhood network (GNN) of the flavin amine oxidase superfamily. SSN generated from of 9,192 members of the Flavin amine oxidase superfamily with 1) BLAST E-value of 1e-35 for dataset S3, and 2) BLAST E-value of 1e-50 for dataset S4. Dataset S6 is the GNN generated based on the SSN with BLAST E-value of 1e-50.


Steps to reproduce

see manuscript for details- Bioinformatic analysis of the flavin-dependent amine oxidase superfamily: adaptations for substrate specificity and catalytic diversity Margarita A. Tararina and Karen N. Allen Journal of Molecular Biology, Available online 19 March 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2020.03.007


Boston University


Flavoenzyme, Superfamily Evolution, Metabolic Pathway
