TLS data-set showing the effect of surface colour and roughness on the absorption and dispersion of a laser beam
The data was captured using two time-of-flight scanners Riegl VZ-400 and Leica ScanStation C10. The research programme covered the scanning of multi-coloured paper targets and cement plaster surfaces characterised by different values of roughness. The Specimens were tested from different distances (7 m for paper targets and 10 m for cement plaster). The target specimens were oriented perpendicularly to the laser beam of TLS. Data format: Raw - Point cloud (*.pts format) The file names are as follows: xxm-yy-zz.pts - where “xx” stands for the distance in meters from TLS to scanned specimens (7 and 10 m); “yy” stands for the producer of scanner (Leica and Riegel) , “zz” stands for colour of targets (black, grey1, grey2, grey3, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow) or the level of surface roughness (rough surface, smooth surface); The structure of the files is as follows: X Y Z Intensity (range from 0 to 1) Where: X, Y, Z are 3D coordinates of points, unit [m] Intensity is a relation between emitted and received signal power by TLS (radiometric information of point cloud).
Steps to reproduce
RAW data