N-alkane δDwax record of a 10 m core in Lake Qinghai, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China

Published: 24 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nsywfwh7w4.1
Zheng Wang


In 2005, core 1Fs were drilled from the deposition-center of the southwestern basin of lake. The upper 5 m of core is composed mainly of dark gray to light brown lacustrine silty clay or clay with horizontal bedding. The 5-9 m section of core consist of gray and grayish-yellow silty clay with silt layers. The lower part of core consist of light brown and gray silty clay, loess-like silt and fine sand layers. δDwax of n-alkane in upper 10 m of 1F core were anlysed and the data of 0-5 m have reported in Liu et al. (2017). This dataset contains the complete δDwax of n-alkane C31 above 10 m of 1F core and sample depth. The age model was based on 14C chronology reported in An et al. (2012). Reference 1. Liu et al., Quaternary International, 449 (2017), 67-74. 2. An et al., Scientific Reports, 2 (2012), 619.



Institute of Earth Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences


Climate Change
