Tracing Genetic Diversity Captures the Molecular Basis of Misfolding Disease

Published: 26 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nt59rwz6r6.1
Pei Zhao, Chao Wang, Shuhong Sun, Xi Wang, William Balch


1) 'AAT variants data with DMSO.xlsx' contains the data of measured intracellular monomer, intracellular polymer, secreted monomer, secreted polymer and the inhibitory activity to neutraphil elastase for 76 AAT variants including AAT-WT in both Huh7.5 cell line and IB3 cell line. 2) 'AAT variants data with PU-WS13.xlsx' contains the raw data of measured intracellular monomer, intracellular polymer, secreted monomer, secreted polymer and the inhibitory activity to neutraphil elastase for 76 AAT variants including AAT-WT under treatment of PU-WS13 in Huh7.5 cell line. 3) The input files, R-code scripts and output files for each phenotype landscape, barcode and functional structure in the presence or absence of PU-WS13 treatment, as well as the delta phenotype barcodes and structures are included in the folder of 'R-code scripts with input-output files'. The R-code scripts for Bayesian analysis are also included in the folder of 'R-code scripts with input-output files'.



Scripps Research Institute


Protein Folding, Chaperone Protein, Protein Aggregation
