Climate change as a driver of food insecurity in the 2007 Lesotho-South Africa drought

Published: 25 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ntjtg6wd5g.1
Jasper Verschuur


This folder includes all datasets+codes to reproduce the results and figures in Verschuur et al. (2021), Climate change as a driver of food insecurity in the 2007 Lesotho-South Africa drought, Scientific Reports. 'Climate_bivariate_data' contains the climate model output and the codes to perform the compound drought analysis. 'Probabilistic_model' contains the code for the main model we adopt in out methodology including the input data (rainfall and agricultural data for SA and L). In the subfolder 'Output_L_SA' the results of the model are placed, which can be analysed. 'Household_data' contains the household summary statistics in terms of fieldsize and household size that we use for analysing household exposure to the drought.



University of Oxford


Climate, Drought, Food Security
