Data for: A Biological Survey of Ottoman Archive Papers and Determination of the D10 Value

Published: 19 September 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ntm4rh23nf.1
hilal halkman, Ece Ergun, Omer KANTOGLU, Dilan Özmen


The Ottoman Archives have one of the richest archive collections in the world. However, not all the archived documents are well preserved and some undergo biodeterioration. Therefore, a rapid and promising treatment method is necessary to preserve the collection for following generations as heritage. Radiation presents as an alternative for the treatment of archival materials for this purpose. In this study, we conducted a survey to determine the contamination species and the D10 values of the samples obtained from the shelves of the Ottoman Archives. The samples also included several insect pests collected at using a pheromone trap placed in the archive storage room. With the exception of few localized problems, no active pest presence was observed. The D10 values of mold contamination and reference mold (A. niger) were found to be 1.0 and 0.68 kGy, respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that an absorbed dose of 6 kGy is required to remove the contamination from the materials stored in the Ottoman Archives.



Microbiology, Culture Heritage, Gamma Irradiation
