Simultaneous measurements of benthic oxygen fluxes by aquatic relaxed eddy accumulation and eddy covariance in different aquatic environments

Published: 3 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ntvxg7w28v.1


This data set is relative to the article “Aquatic Relaxed Eddy Accumulation: a New Technique to Resolve Benthic Solute Fluxes”. The attached table (‘REA_EC_flux_results.xlsx’) contains the fluxes measured by relaxed eddy accumulation and eddy covariance as well as the characteristics of the measurements and calculated parameters during the campaigns. The flux values for accumulation periods 9 and 12 are the averages of two subperiods separated by boat passages which were excluded from the dataset. The data used to compute the fluxes consist of two files for each measurement period: a time series of dissolved oxygen concentrations and a velocity file. Two types of oxygen concentration files are generated by a Firesting oximeter (Pyroscience): measurements with both upward and downward lines flowing in order to determine the bias between oxygen probes during preparation periods (‘DATE_Allopen.txt’), and measurements during accumulation periods (‘DATE_segment.txt’) of oxygen for each probe and water temperature and the calibration data of each oxygen probe. The velocity files are generated by the control system of the relaxed eddy accumulation. They consist of the following columns: 1. Date/time 2. Valve activation on the upward line (0 closed/1 open); 3. Cumulated activation time for upward line (ms); 4. Valve activation on the downward line (0 closed/1 open); 5. Cumulated activation time for downward line (ms); 6. Fluctuation of the vertical velocity (mm.s-1); 7. Running mean of the aligned vertical velocity for the past 30 s (mm.s-1); 8. Aligned velocity u (mm.s-1); 9. Aligned velocity v (mm.s-1); 10. Aligned velocity w (mm.s-1); 11. Upward velocity threshold for relaxed eddy accumulation (mm.s-1); 12. Downward velocity threshold for relaxed eddy accumulation (mm.s-1); 13. Alignment angle around Z axis (rad); 14. Alignment angle around X axis (rad); 15. Velocity u measured by the ADV (mm.s-1); 16. Velocity v measured by the ADV (mm.s-1); 17. Velocity w measured by the ADV (mm.s-1); 18. Number of the measurement; 19. ADV signal correlation beam 1 (%); 20. ADV signal correlation beam 2 (%); 21. ADV signal correlation beam 3 (%); 22. test: 0 for adequate correlation (> 70%), else 1; 23. erroneous measurement 24. erroneous measurement REA_pack contain all scripts of REA automation in LabVIEW (.vi).



Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau, Universitat Koblenz-Landau - Campus Landau, AgroParisTech, Laboratoire Eau-Environnement-Systemes Urbains, Universite Paris-Est Creteil Val de Marne, Laboratoire d'Hydraulique Saint-Venant, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech


Biogeochemistry, Flux Data, Oxygen, Turbulent Diffusion
