Spreadsheet Implementation for an Interactive Simulation of the Monty Hall Problem

Published: 10 December 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nvkc4sgj6m.2


The Monty Hall Problem (Three-Door Problem) is a well-known example for a counterintuitive problem in probability theory. This site provides a VBA-based spreadsheet (Excel) implementation for an interactive simulation of the Monty Hall Problem using Zoom or any other video conference software that enables group rooms. The game process and the associated simulation based on this Excel file are deliberately not fully automated; rather, the participants in the role of hosts and contestants should carry out essential steps themselves, interact with each other, and thus become an active part of the simulation. The settings allow for different assumptions regarding, among other things, the random or conscious nature of decisions. This allows a range of different game situations to be mapped - from a purely random game (based solely on Excel’s random number generator) on the one hand to a purely conscious game (based on possibly tactical decisions and expectations of the participants) on the other. The simulation tool can be used in online teaching. Carrying out the interactive simulation provides data in the form of absolute and relative frequencies for wins and losses depending on whether the contestant switches doors or not. The results can then be discussed.


Steps to reproduce

As this Excel file contains macros, it needs to be unblocked before using it. For further information, see the following website: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-apps/security/internet-macros-blocked https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-apps/security/internet-macros-blocked#guidance-on-allowing-vba-macros-to-run-in-files-you-trust The Results Template can be used to aggregate the results obtained from the breakout rooms.


Hochschule fur angewandte Wissenschaften Neu-Ulm


Probability Theory, Spreadsheet, Online Teaching, Educational Game
