Supplementary Information for: "Rapid in-situ assessment of luminescence bleaching depths in rocks for deriving burial and exposure chronologies of rock surfaces"

Published: 6 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nvn67s5jxp.1
Elaine Sellwood,


SI1: Images of the three samples used in this study. The naturally exposed surface is indicated. SI2: This data set contains the raw IRPL880, IRPL955 and IRSL images for GOT12, which were obtained and analysed in the article: "Rapid in-situ assessment of luminescence bleaching depths in rocks for deriving burial and exposure chronologies of rock surfaces ". Also included is a MATLAB script for analysis of the data images, where data can be viewed and luminescence-depth profiles can be plotted. SI3: a) Regenerated IRPL880 for G02 (top), GOT12 (middle) and GL2 (bottom). b) Regenerated IRSL for the three samples. The red box marks the 6 mm deep area, corresponding to the profiles shown in c. c) the top 6 mm of natural (Ln; solid points, left axis) and regenerated (hollow points, right axis) IRPL880.



Rock, Luminescence Dating
